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What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins form when the valves of a patient’s blood vessels weaken, and blood accumulates in the area. They aren’t usually dangerous, but they are an aesthetic issue that affects people’s confidence. At Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, we offer a highly effective treatment called VBeam Perfecta. Because the diseased veins are destroyed, it’s unlikely that patients will suffer from the condition again once they’ve been treated.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Diseased veins are very common, affecting millions of people around the country. You’re more likely to suffer from this condition if you’re in your 40s or older, female, and if other people in your family have diseased veins. However, the condition can affect anyone, including young, healthy people with no family history of vein problems. It occurs when the valves of the blood vessels no longer function well, so blood pools and flows backwards away from the heart.

Women often experience this issue during or after pregnancy. The diseased veins sometimes remain in place once the baby is born, so treatment is necessary. People also develop vein problems if they stand for many hours a day due to their jobs or hobbies, lead a very sedentary lifestyle, or get injured. Patients struggling with obesity are more likely to suffer from diseased veins than those with a BMI under 25.

Are Diseased Veins Dangerous?

Small veins at the surface of the skin aren’t dangerous. However, their weblike patterns are visible, so patients often feel self-conscious about wearing clothes that reveal the affected areas. The diseased veins are usually located on the legs, but they can also occur on the face or the pelvic area.

Sometimes, patients have trouble distinguishing between a spider and varicose veins. Varicosities are larger, and they cause bulges under the skin. They can cause health problems, especially if the patient already has a circulatory condition and is therefore at risk of a pulmonary embolism. They can also lead to cramping, pain, and ulcers. If you have large, bulging varicose veins, see a doctor.

How To Prevent Diseased Veins

Although diseased veins can be treated, it’s best to take preventative action. If you have a family history of vein issues, don’t do activities that require you to stand or sit all day. Make sure you can take breaks to stretch, walk around, and elevate your legs throughout the day. Wear compression stockings if you notice any swelling or pain.

It’s also important to maintain a healthy weight because excess weight puts a lot of pressure on your tissues and therefore increases the likelihood of vein issues. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional if you’re struggling with your weight. A good nutritionist or personal trainer helps you to improve your diet and exercise routine and keeps you accountable in the long run.

How Are Diseased Veins Treated?

There’s no need to have surgery to get rid of small, diseased veins. Instead, there is a minimally invasive treatment called VBeam Perfecta that uses light energy to destroy the affected veins. Because the diseased tissue is broken down and absorbed by the body, it’s unlikely that patients will ever struggle with problematic veins again, as long as they lead healthy lifestyles and follow our guidelines.

How VBeam Perfecta Treatment Works

VBeam Perfecta is quick and easy. The treatment involves targeting the affected veins with an intense burst of light that heats the damaged blood vessels but doesn’t affect the surrounding tissue. You’ll be conscious during this treatment, but we’ll ask you to wear special sunglasses that protect your eyes from the light. We use a handheld device to deliver light energy to your treatment area. The whole process takes around 15-20 minutes.

When the veins become too hot, they coagulate and close up. You might need 3-5 sessions, each spaced one month apart. In the weeks after your treatment, your veins are absorbed and secreted by the body. After your final session, you won’t have any more spider veins. However, other blood vessels might become diseased if you don’t take good care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Expected Results

You might start to see results right after your first treatment, but it will take your body some time to fully absorb and break down the diseased veins. Most of our patients report that their treatment areas are vein-free two to four weeks after their final session.

Veins don’t grow back in adult patients, so it’s unlikely that the condition will recur. However, other veins in the area might get damaged over time, especially if patients spend a lot of time standing, become overweight, or lead a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, they need to come back to the clinic for another round of treatment.

Before and After Treatment

Since this method doesn’t involve surgery or the injection of chemicals, there isn’t much you can’t do before and after your appointment. We might give you some instructions about what skincare products to use and what activities to avoid. Don’t use jacuzzis, hot tubs, or saunas for at least two days after your treatment because they heat the skin and therefore interfere with the absorption of the damaged veins.

Avoid products like retinoids, glycolic acid, bleaching creams, scrubs, and toners for at least a week since they could negatively affect your results. Don’t expose your treatment area to direct sunlight, and apply a high-quality sunscreen every time you go outside for at least three months. If your treatment area is in your face, a wide-brimmed hat can help to reduce exposure to UV rays.

Do I Need To Wear Compression Stockings?

If you have diseased veins in your legs, we might ask you to wear compression stockings before and after the treatment. Stockings are very helpful because they prevent the blood from pooling in your legs and therefore reduce the symptoms of spider and varicose veins.

Wear your stockings whenever you know you’ll be standing or sitting for many hours at a time. You might also want to wear them in the evening before you go to bed, especially if you get cramps or pain that prevents you from sleeping.

What Other Issues Can Be Treated?

VBeam Perfecta is a very versatile treatment that can be used to address many conditions aside from diseased veins. It is often used on patients who suffer from red birthmarks, rosacea, scars, and warts. It is also appropriate for people who have venous lakes, which are small blood vessels that cause blue bulges or lesions in the lips.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Almost everyone is a good candidate for VBeam Perfecta because the treatment isn’t dangerous and doesn’t involve surgery. When you come to the clinic for your first consultation, we’ll speak to you about your medical background and any drugs you take. If you have a serious medical condition, we might need to discuss treatment with your primary physician to make sure it’s appropriate.

We’ll also ask you about treatments you have tried in the past and how well they worked. If you’ve ever tried to get rid of your diseased veins in the past, tell us about it. The more we know about your health history, the more easily we can come up with a customized treatment plan.

Should I Combine Treatment with Other Minimally Invasive Methods?

We offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments at the clinic, and we can combine several methods to help you achieve the best possible results. Aside from addressing your diseased veins, we can rejuvenate your skin and get rid of small lines and wrinkles on your face. Some of our most popular treatments include microneedling, dermal fillers, neuromodulator injections, and laser hair removal.

We also offer more traditional spa treatments like massages, facials, and slim wraps. Because all our methods are minimally invasive or noninvasive, you can take part in several sessions on the same day. It’s often cheaper and more efficient to have all your beauty treatments at the same time.  If you’re getting married soon, let us know. We’ll come up with a customized treatment plan that allows you to shine on your big day.

Get Rid of Your Diseased Veins Now

Spider veins form when the valves become weaker and can no longer transport blood to the heart. This issue doesn’t pose a health risk, but it is a significant cosmetic concern for many people. Fortunately, there are excellent treatments available. Get in touch with us at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL to find out more about VBeam Perfecta.

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