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Who Is a Good Candidate for KYBELLA?

KYBELLA is an FDA-approved prescription medication designed to reduce submental fullness in adults. It is proudly offered at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, and it has helped many people enhance their natural beauty by recontouring their chin and neck. If you’d like to eliminate fat quickly without undergoing surgery, read on to discover if this injectable fat removal treatment may be right for you.  

Who Is a Good Candidate for KYBELLA?

You should be considered a good KYBELLA candidate if you are concerned about submental fullness, in good overall health, and have realistic expectations about the results of treatment. While this treatment is appropriate for most adults, it is not recommended in some cases. For example, you will need to hold off on treatment if you are pregnant or nursing. Additionally, your treatment must be postponed if your skin is irritated.

Furthermore, to be considered a good candidate for this treatment, you must be able to comply with all treatment guidelines, including not smoking or drinking alcohol before or after your injection session. We will give you a comprehensive list of rules to follow during your initial consultation. Moreover, to qualify for treatment, you should be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Post-treatment weight gain can negatively affect your results.

How Long Can I Expect the Results of My Treatment to Last?

KYBELLA results are considered permanent because they are derived from the death and removal of a significant portion of subcutaneous fat cells in the treatment areas. The synthetic deoxycholic acid, just like the bile acid that your gut produces, breaks down the membranes that hold the fat cells together. They release the energy they were storing and, eventually, the lymphatic system eliminates those destroyed cells from the body.

That said, you should note that the appearance of your treated areas may change over time. This injectable fat removal treatment only eliminates some of the fat cells near your skin’s surface. The fat cells in the area that are not killed over your course of treatments can still expand if you consume more fuel than your body needs for maintenance.

How Soon Can I Expect to See My Desired Results?

Depending on the cause of your submental fullness and other factors, you may be able to see your desired results in just four weeks. This is generally the case for people who have the appearance of submental fullness due to such factors as poor posture or the natural aging process. If your submental fullness is caused by excess adipose tissue, two to six treatment sessions may be required to achieve optimal results.

It usually takes between four and six weeks for the results of one treatment to be realized fully. Furthermore, we usually schedule follow-up appointments four to six weeks apart. Therefore, if you need six treatments to improve the appearance of your chin and neck, it may be six months before you feel confident in your appearance.

What Can I Do to See My Desired Results Faster?

To see your desired results as quickly as possible, you need to remove as much strain as possible from your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is part of your immune system, so you should take steps to mitigate the risk of catching an illness. Furthermore, like every other system in your body, your lymphatic system requires water to function. Make sure it can operate as efficiently as possible by maintaining hydration.

Generally, to stay hydrated, women need to drink at least six cups of water daily. Men usually must aim for consuming at least eight cups of water daily to stay hydrated. On top of this, you should eat foods that are rich in water. Moreover, you should minimize your consumption of processed foods and drinks and avoid alcohol.

What Preparation Steps Are Required?

There are many preparation steps you must take before your KYBELLA injections are administered besides not smoking or drinking alcohol. For example, you must stop taking blood-thinners or any other drugs or supplements that may thin your blood or prevent normal clotting. It is also essential that you prevent sunburn and other forms of skin irritation in the treatment areas in the days leading up to your injection session.

What Aftercare Guidelines Will I Need to Follow?

To reiterate, one of the most important aftercare guidelines to follow is to not drink alcohol or smoke. Another important recovery rule to follow is to not touch the treated areas while the medication is settling. Similarly, you must avoid applying too much pressure to the treated areas. The night your injections are administered, you should sleep on your back with your chin elevated above your heart.

You also need to avoid excessive sweating for 24 hours after your injections have been administered. Therefore, you should avoid saunas, hot tubs, and steam rooms. Similarly, you will not be able to engage in strenuous physical activity during the first 24 hours after your injectable fat removal treatment. Additionally, you should not apply cosmetics to the treated areas for 24 hours post-treatment.

Is There Any Downtime Required After Treatment?

While there are recovery rules you need to follow after your injectable fat removal treatment, there is no downtime required. As long as you can avoid sweating at work, you are free to return to work once we have administered your injections. If you have a physically demanding job, we recommend scheduling an appointment on a Saturday or Friday afternoon.

Learn More Today

KYBELLA injections may be appropriate for you if you are fairly healthy and understand that the appearance of your submental region won’t improve for several weeks and may change again. To find out if you are a good candidate for this treatment, drop us a line now to schedule an initial consultation at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL. We’ll see you soon!

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