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How Should You Prepare for Laser Hair Removal Treatments?

At Still Waters Day and Medical Spa in Pensacola, Florida, we are proud to include laser hair removal as part of our growing list of aesthetic treatment offerings. Using Splendor X, you can receive top-of-the-line treatment right here at home.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is a procedure in which a powerful beam of laser light is used to remove unwanted hair. During the process, a laser will emit light that is then absorbed by the pigment of the skin. This process will create a thicker cell wall within the hair follicles, inhibiting future growth.

Splendor X

Splendor X is the preferred laser for Still Waters Day and Medical Spa. It is the leading laser in the industry, boasting a number of benefits. These benefits include square spots for more precise coverage, faster-acting lasers, and less harsh treatments, preserving the overall health of the skin.

Thanks to the more precise treatment coverage, you will benefit from fewer required treatments over time. Regardless of the type of laser used, multiple treatments are almost always required to capture permanent results. At the end of the treatment series, though, you’ll be glad you put in the time required for the many benefits of the treatment.

Benefits of Laser Removal

Treatments Are Fast

The time needed for each treatment is only about 20 or 30 minutes on average. While some treatments may take longer, you should not expect to have to spend hours at the clinic. In fact, under most circumstances, you will be given a pretty accurate time expectation during your consultation. You can plan your day around it!

Save Money Over Time

Think about all the money you spend on hair removal creams, razors, and trips to the waxing salon. Over time, you will no longer need to plan for these expenses because the unwanted hair will no longer be a part of your life. You will be free to simply forget that these items were ever a part of your regular budget.

Skin and Hair Follicle Health

Waxing, creams, and other products used to remove unwanted hair can be hard on your skin and hair follicles. By eliminating the need to use these products, you will be enhancing the overall health of your skin and hair follicles over time. This will not only make your skin appear smoother and better maintained but will also get rid of blemishes and breakouts associated with hair growth.

Shave Time Off Your Routine

If you spend a lot of time each day taking care of unwanted hair, then think about how nice it would be to simply remove that part of the process. Even if you only spend 10 minutes on unwanted hair each day, that is sixty hours in a year you are saving simply by having the hair permanently removed and getting on with your life.

You Can Shave Between Treatments

The most awkward part of waxing facial hair is that you have to let the hair grow out between waxes. The days leading up to a wax can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, especially if you have to face the public. Shaving is completely okay between laser hair removal treatments, though, so you never have to worry about letting your hair grow and become visible to everyone you encounter.

Thanks to the many benefits of laser removal, it has quickly become one of the leading aesthetic treatments sought in the United States. By now, you are probably already wondering how to prepare for the process.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal Treatments

While the benefits of laser removal no doubt have you excited for the future, you should also consider how best to prepare for your treatment plan. Consulting with your aesthetician is one way to get a better idea of what to expect in the days leading up to and following your treatment, but there are some things that you can do even without consulting them first to get ready.

Exercise Patience

Understand that the results will not be immediate. Your first session should be looked at as just that–the first session in a series of sessions you will undergo in pursuit of the long-lasting results you desire. Remember that each step forward is a step toward the finish line and celebrate the progress being made rather than the distance left to travel.

Shave Before You Arrive

Shaving before you arrive will make it easier for the aesthetician to see the hair follicle, itself. This will be beneficial in ensuring that each action with the laser is as precise as possible, ensuring the best results.

Do Not Wear Makeup

Wearing makeup can interfere with the precision and effectiveness of the layer. Consider makeup as a barrier between the laser and the follicle. If you want the laser to work to the best of its ability, you should not have anything impeding its access.

If you are coming to your treatment from work or have another reason to wear makeup earlier in the day, please plan ahead to allow time to wash your face thoroughly before you begin treatment.

Exercise First

You will not want to sweat in the first few hours following your treatment. This can irritate the skin. Instead, you should plan to exercise before you go in for your laser removal session. Allow plenty of time between your workout and your session to allow for a brief cool-off period and a shower.

Plan Your Time Accordingly

During your consultation, be sure to gain a clear understanding of the time requirements for your first session, including how early you should arrive to be prepared. If you are asked to apply any kind of gel or facewash in preparation, make sure your schedule allows you to do so during the time required. Remember that, as a general rule of thumb, it is always better to plan for more time than you need than it is to have to rush.

Consider the Sun

Like sweat, the sun can be irritating immediately following a laser session. Bring a hat, scarf, or anything you feel might be necessary to help shield your skin from the sun as you leave your session.

Prepare for More Hair Before It Goes Away

Some are surprised to learn that laser hair removal can actually stimulate hair growth. This can be discouraging if you are a week or two out of treatment and suddenly notice that hair seems thicker or darker than it was before treatment. This is absolutely normal.

Be prepared to see hair growth get a little more obvious before it disappears. This is simply the way the hair follicle works naturally and you should not be alarmed.

Inventory Your Beauty Routine

Take a look through your beauty products and make sure none contain ingredients that will irritate or be harmful to your skin following your session. We will give you a list of chemicals and cosmetic ingredients to avoid following each treatment to reduce irritation.

Throw Out the Tweezers and Wax

Shaving is fine, but waxing and tweezing are not. Anything that opens the follicles up will cause treatments to be less effective. Instead of waxing or tweezing between sessions, make sure that you are only shaving the affected area. This will reduce the number of treatments needed over time.

On top of these suggestions, of course, you should always follow the guidance and pre-treatment instructions laid out by your aesthetician during your consultation. These rules and instructions will be based on years of experience and can help you better prepare for the days ahead.

Common Questions

Is Downtime Required?

There is no downtime required. You can return to work immediately after your treatment session. You don’t need to use vacation or personal days and you can resume most of your normal activities right away.

What Happens During a Session?

Prior to treatment, the treatment area will be cleansed. Some may receive a numbing gel to help prepare them for the treatment. This will take about 30 or 60 minutes to work, so be sure to apply the gel far enough ahead per the instruction of your treatment team.

You will be asked to wear protective eyewear during your treatment as will anyone else in the room with you. Your skin will be pulled taut and then treated with the laser. Most who receive the treatment say it feels like warm tingles against the skin, similar to when your foot falls asleep.

You may notice small plumes of smoke or a sulfuric smell. This is normal. The hair is actually being vaporized by the laser.

How Fast Are Results?

Results will vary for everyone. Some will notice results as quickly as the following day. Others may not see results until after several sessions have passed. Your treatment team will be able to give you a personalized estimate on when you may see results according to your circumstances.

How Long Will It Last?

The goal of the treatment plan in its entirety will be permanent results, although you may need a number of sessions before these results can be obtained. It isn’t uncommon for people to think they have finished treatments only to notice hair resurfacing a month or two later as the skin follicles begin to revert back to their former condition. Do not feel frustrated. Every treatment done is a step closer to the results you desire.

Will It Break the Bank?

Most find laser hair removal to be very affordable, especially thanks to frequent promotions offered by aesthetic clinics and spas. We also offer payment terms and arrangements to ensure laser removal is affordable for anyone. The best way to learn about these terms is to schedule a consultation.

Never hesitate to ask your aesthetician these questions or any other for a more clear and detailed answer. You may even find that your expert’s experiences vary from the norm. This is okay, too. Trust their experience and allow them to guide you as needed.

Schedule Your Consultation Now

To schedule a consultation for laser hair removal using Splendor X, contact Still Waters Day and Medical Spa in Pensacola, Florida. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and help you make the best aesthetic treatment decision based on your individual needs and circumstances.

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