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Does Restylane Work Immediately?

Are you concerned about developing lines and wrinkles? Do you wish you could erase signs of aging from your skin and lips with one simple treatment? If you want a non-invasive, long-lasting option to diminish common aging concerns, you could be a candidate for Restylane. We offer this top-quality dermal filler, along with other anti-aging solutions, at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL.

What Is Restylane?

Restylane is a specially formulated dermal filler that can be injected to boost volume and eliminate signs of aging in one appointment. A typical appointment at our professional practice is virtually painless, involves zero downtime, and offers almost all patients with long-term improvements in their areas of concern.

With an ongoing maintenance plan, you could see significant positive changes in both your appearance and self-esteem.

How Can a Dermal Filler Correct Signs of Aging?

This product is created with hyaluronic acid and a small dose of lidocaine to make injections pain-free. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in body parts such as the eyes and joints and promotes moisturization. When used as a dermal filler, the acid attracts water and plumps the skin for a complete, inside-out glow. The acid dissolves safely over time, giving you the option to have just one treatment or pursue ongoing appointments.

Once the dermal filler is injected into the skin, it created an instant filling effect. This automatically lifts the skin, smoothing away fine lines, wrinkles, and folds to achieve a youthful, soft appearance and texture. When used over time, dermal fillers may help prevent the development of new signs of aging by keeping the skin firm and lifted.

Which Aging Concerns Can Be Treated?

Since aging impacts most areas of the face, you want a dermal filler that can be used creatively by our experienced staff to achieve your ideal image. Here are the four major concerns that we can address with this product.

Fine Lines

Fine lines can begin developing in your late mid-20s to early 30s and may appear in various areas of your face. Like most signs of aging, fine lines are caused by a lack of new collagen development. Collagen is a protein that provides structure to the skin, and its production naturally slows during the aging process. In addition, existing collagen in the skin begins to break down, causing the skin to lose its lift.

While they may not appear noticeable in the early stages of development, fine lines are difficult to conceal with makeup and usually become deeper as time passes. A dermal filler can erase fine lines in seconds and help you reclaim younger-looking skin.


Wrinkles are a result of decreased collagen and elastin proteins in the skin. Many patients notice their first wrinkles in their 20s, but these signs of aging grow progressively more apparent throughout their 30s and 40s. Unlike dynamic wrinkles, which are connected to repeated muscle movement and can be corrected with a neuromodulator, Restylane treats static wrinkles, which appear the same with or without muscle movement and are more widespread.

A dermal filler can tighten the skin to fade wrinkles, giving your skin a fresh new vibrancy. This product is able to treat mild to severe static wrinkles in multiple regions of your face, offering comparable results to a mini facelift without the price tag, downtime, or discomfort associated with surgery.


Folds are deep lines in the skin that develop as your skin loses its original structure. The most common region in which folds develop is around the mouth and nose. In this area, the skin is thicker and may not be treatable with traditional anti-aging products. This dermal filler is specifically formulated to offer superior lift and volume, giving it the support it needs to noticeably diminish nasolabial folds.


Some patients notice that their lips become thinner and lose definition as they grow older. In addition, lines around the borders of the lips–often called smoker’s lines or lipstick lines–may impact the overall appearance of your lips. We can use Restylane to target these concerns, plumping the lips and filling lines to achieve a natural texture and long-lasting smoothness.

Does It Work Immediately?

Unlike many anti-aging treatments, dermal fillers offer the advantage of an instant transformation. As our trained staff member injects the product, the filler lifts the skin. This allows our staff to see the visible progress of your treatment and ensures symmetrical, attractive results.

Over the first 2 weeks of recovery, the product will settle into its final position. Some patients pursue touch-up treatment at this time to achieve their ideal image.

How Long Do Results Last?

Results vary depending on each patient’s unique concerns, but this product generally lasts at least 6 months and may last 18 months or more in certain areas. Product longevity may be improved by protecting your skin from the sun, which could cause the filler to break down more quickly.

Patients who choose to pursue maintenance treatments could experience enhanced results as they build on the success of previous treatments.

Will I Need Maintenance Treatments?

Each patient’s concerns and goals vary, and we recommend a personalized plan to ensure the ongoing success of your treatment. While the ultimate decision is up to you, most patients choose to follow an ongoing maintenance plan to preserve their ideal image after results from their first appointment begin to fade.

Thanks to the long-lasting nature of this treatment, you could easily maintain your desired results with just 1-2 appointments per year.

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

If you’re a man or woman over the age of 18 who wishes to correct signs of aging with non-invasive measures, you could be an ideal candidate for treatment with dermal fillers. Most candidates are over 35, but younger patients could see great success with early treatment. This treatment is designed to treat mild to severe static wrinkles, lines, and folds, and it can be easily combined with a neuromodulator to correct a range of aging concerns.

This Restylane treatment may not be ideal for patients with known allergies to the product formula. In addition, it is not recommended for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Our doctor will help you evaluate your candidacy for treatment and review your medical history during your initial consultation to ensure that this treatment is a perfect fit for you.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Here’s an overview of what you can expect from a typical treatment process at our office.


You’ll meet with our doctor for an initial consultation to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for treatment with Restylane. This appointment will involve a brief review of your medical history and any relevant health or skin conditions. In addition, our doctor will examine your areas of concern and ask you about your goals for treatment.

Once you are approved for treatment, our doctor will explain the treatment process and answer any questions you may have. They will also recommend a treatment plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. Finally, they will provide you with instructions to follow during your preparation for treatment.


Preparation for treatment with a dermal filler involves several easy steps, in addition to any specific instructions provided for you by our doctor. Most importantly, you should do your best to keep your skin free of irritation or infection before your treatment. This means that you should avoid harsh exfoliants, peels, and other treatments that could cause redness and sensitivity in the target skin.

In addition, you should protect your skin from tanning and sunburn prior to your appointment. Sun damage could increase your risk for a range of skin conditions, including cancer, and can be avoided by applying sunscreen regularly and limiting your time in direct sunlight or under artificial tanning lights. You can keep your skin healthy and hydrated by drinking plenty of water and applying a gentle moisturizer twice daily.

Finally, you may be instructed to avoid certain blood-thinning medications, including aspirin and ibuprofen, before your treatment. This, along with avoiding alcohol at least 24 hours before your appointment, may help decrease your chances of bruising.


Before your appointment, you should wash your face and avoid applying any makeup products. Our staff member will sanitize the target skin and check for any signs of inflammation that could be caused by irritation or infection. They will then apply a numbing cream to help you remain comfortable during the injection process.

Once your skin is numbed, our staff member will use a fine needle to inject Restylane into your skin. As they work, they will be able to watch your skin fill and can create a balanced lift in your areas of concern.

A normal appointment takes between 15-45 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. After your appointment is complete, you will be given instructions for your recovery and can return to your normal schedule with zero downtime.


Your results are instantly visible and should remain largely unchanged for the duration of your results period. For the first 2 weeks after treatment, you should avoid touching or pressing on the injection sites. This keeps you from moving the filler from its original placement. The product will completely settle into its final position within 2 weeks, after which point you may wish to return for a brief follow-up appointment to re-fill any areas that decreased in volume.

We recommend that you avoid wearing makeup in the treated area for the first 24 hours to allow the injection sites to heal. You may also wish to avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours as your skin heals. Beyond this, there are few restrictions for patients recovering from treatment. Your skin should be completely healed 1-2 weeks after your appointment.


While your final results are instantly visible, you get to look forward to enjoying them for the next 6-18 months after your treatment. Our doctor will give you an estimate of how long your results will last, and you may be able to prolong these results by protecting your skin from the sun and pursuing touch-up treatments as needed.

Over time, your results will begin to fade and you can schedule your first maintenance appointment. Follow-up treatments are usually performed once you first begin to notice a decrease in volume or a return of lines or wrinkles in the target area. This allows our team to build on the success of prior treatments and helps your skin stay looking its best.

Contact Us to Learn More About Dermal Fillers!

Signs of aging may affect your confidence, but you don’t need to live with lines and wrinkles any more. With Restylane, you can smooth your skin without surgery and achieve long-lasting results with a couple of easy appointments each year. If you’re ready to learn more about this dermal filler, contact our team of professionals at Still Waters Day & Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, to schedule your initial consultation today!

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