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How Long Does VOLUMA Last?

At Still Waters Day and Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL, our qualified team is committed to offering a range of innovative treatments to help you look and feel your best. Voluma is a remarkable dermal filler designed to restore volume to the face and create a more youthful appearance that will last.

The Longevity of Voluma

This treatment offers remarkable longevity compared to other dermal fillers. On average, the results of this treatment can last up to 18 to 24 months, providing you with a long-lasting solution to volume loss in the face.

Factors Affecting Longevity

The longevity of this treatment can vary from person to person due to several factors. Each individual’s metabolism, lifestyle, and specific area of treatment can influence the duration of the results. Generally, areas that experience more movement, such as the lips or nasolabial folds, may see a slightly shorter duration compared to the cheeks.


However, our experienced team will provide you with a personalized assessment to give you a better understanding of how long you can expect the results to last.


Maintenance and Touch-Ups

To maintain the optimal results of this treatment, periodic touch-up treatments are recommended. These touch-ups help to preserve the initial volume and ensure a more consistent and sustained outcome. Our skilled team will guide you on the appropriate timing for touch-up treatments based on your unique needs and desired results.


Advantages of Longevity

The long-lasting nature of this treatment offers numerous advantages to individuals seeking facial rejuvenation. First and foremost, the extended duration of the treatment means fewer visits to the clinic, allowing you to enjoy your rejuvenated appearance for an extended period. This convenience is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules who value efficiency without compromising on results.

Moreover, the longevity of this treatment translates to cost-effectiveness in the long run. By reducing the frequency of treatments, you can allocate your resources more efficiently while still achieving the desired aesthetic enhancements. This makes this treatment option more appealing to individuals looking to invest in a long-term solution for facial volume loss.


What Is This Treatment?

This treatment is a cutting-edge dermal filler that is specifically formulated to address age-related volume loss in the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. Composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, the treatment solution is expertly injected into targeted areas to replenish lost volume and provide a lifted more youthful contour. This treatment is a non-surgical and minimally invasive option for those seeking a rejuvenated appearance without the need for extensive downtime.


Ideal Candidates

Consultation and Personalized Assessment

Ultimately, the best way to determine if someone is an ideal candidate for this treatment is through a consultation and personalized assessment with a qualified specialist. During this process, our team will evaluate the individual’s unique needs, examine their facial structure, and discuss their aesthetic goals. Through this comprehensive assessment, our team can provide tailored recommendations and determine if this treatment is the most suitable option for the individual.


Desire for Facial Enhancement

Individuals who have a genuine desire to enhance their facial features can also benefit greatly from this treatment. Whether it is to address volume loss, improve facial symmetry, or define specific areas, this procedure can help achieve these goals. Candidates who have specific areas of concern, such as sunken cheeks, hollow under-eye areas, or thin lips, can find remarkable improvements with this treatment.


Meet Our Expert Certified Injector at Still Waters Medspa

Mary Anne Aanestad, our exceptional certified injector, brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and commitment to delivering high-quality care, to our valued clients. With a passion for aesthetics and a dedication to staying at the forefront of industry advancements, our certified injector is an invaluable member of our team, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatments and achieve the desired results from your procedure.


Natural-Looking Results

One of the primary goals of any cosmetic procedure is to achieve natural-looking results that enhance your features without appearing overdone. This treatment excels in this regard, as its advanced formulation and precise application allow for seamless integration with your own facial contours. This treatment provides a subtle lift and increase in volume, restoring youthful fullness to the cheeks and chin. The natural-looking results of this treatment contribute to a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, boosting your self-confidence and overall well-being.

Immediate Results

One of the significant benefits of this treatment is the immediate improvement in facial volume and contour. As soon as the treatment is administered, you will notice a visible difference in the appearance of your cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. This instant gratification allows you to see the transformation right away and boosts your confidence.


Non-Surgical and Non-Invasive

This treatment offers a non-surgical and non-invasive alternative to facial rejuvenation. Unlike surgical procedures, such as facelifts, this treatment does not require incisions or extensive recovery time. The treatment is performed through a series of precise injections, making it a convenient and less intimidating option for individuals seeking facial enhancement. Our team is equipped with all the necessary skills to ensure that your procedure is as comfortable and efficient as possible.


Customizable Treatment

Each person’s facial structure and aesthetic goals are unique. This treatment provides a customizable treatment approach that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experienced team members will assess your facial features and develop a personalized treatment plan to ensure natural-looking results that enhance your individual beauty.


Versatile Application

This treatment is not limited to addressing volume loss in the cheeks alone. This treatment can also be used to enhance other areas of the face, such as the chin or jawline. By strategically injecting the treatment solution into targeted regions, our skilled team can help you achieve a more harmonious and balanced facial appearance.


Reversible Outcomes

One advantage of this treatment is its reversibility. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the results, our professionals can administer an enzyme called hyaluronidase to dissolve the treatment gel and restore your previous appearance. This safety net provides peace of mind and reassurance to those who may have concerns about committing to long-term changes.

Minimal Downtime

This treatment requires minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities shortly after the treatment. While some individuals may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites, these effects are temporary and can be easily concealed with makeup. The convenience of minimal downtime ensures that you can fit the treatment into your busy schedule without significant disruptions.


Youthful and Rejuvenated Appearance

As we age, the loss of facial volume can contribute to a tired and sunken appearance. This treatment effectively reverses these signs of aging, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated look. By restoring volume to the cheeks and chin, the treatment helps to lift sagging skin, smooth out wrinkles, and create a fresher and more vibrant facial contour.


Boosted Self-Confidence

Aesthetic improvements can have a profound impact on self-confidence and overall well-being. This treatment’s ability to restore volume and enhance facial features can significantly boost your self-esteem. With a more youthful and refreshed appearance, you may feel more confident in social and professional settings, positively impacting various aspects of your life.


Long-Lasting Outcomes

While this treatment is not a permanent solution, its long-lasting effects allow you to enjoy your enhanced appearance for an extended period. The longevity of the treatment means that you can maintain your results with fewer touch-up sessions, saving time and resources in the long run.


Well-Established Safety Profile

This treatment has been extensively studied and approved by regulatory authorities for its safety and efficacy. Its formulation with hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally present in the body, ensures a high level of compatibility and minimizes the risk of adverse reactions. Our certified injector, Mary Anne Aanestad, has both the experience and qualifications to ensure that you have a safe and effective procedure from start to finish.

Who We Are

At Still Waters Medspa in Pensacola, Florida, we understand the immense value of finding stillness for both the mind and body. That’s why we chose the name Still Waters, as it symbolizes our deep appreciation for those moments when we pause, slow down, and embrace the healing power of water. Living in the breathtaking coastal city of Pensacola only amplifies our love for life, as we are surrounded by the serenity and beauty of the ocean.

Within the walls of Still Waters Medspa, you will discover a comprehensive range of services tailored to enhance your natural beauty, promote holistic wellness, and restore balance to your body and mind. Our highly skilled and compassionate team of professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and helping you achieve your desired goals.


Take The First Step With Us Today

VOLUMA is an exceptional dermal filler offered by our highly qualified and experienced specialist. If you’re interested in experiencing the long-lasting effects of this treatment, contact us now at Still Waters Day and Medical Spa in Pensacola, FL to schedule your first consolation. Join us today and see how this treatment can effectively restore volume to your face and provide you with a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.


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