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Are Old Tattoos Easier To Remove?

Many people find at some time in their lives that they would like to remove old tattoos that they no longer want on their bodies. At Still Waters Med Spa in Pensacola, FL, we use the most effective technology in laser tattoo removal to give you effective and fast results. We can remove your unwanted tattoo and allow you to be free of it. Our trained professionals will examine your tattoo and make a recommendation about how many sessions you will need and how quickly your tattoo problem can be resolved. Now, let’s see if this is just a myth, “are old tattoos easier to remove?”.

Are Old Tattoos Easier To Remove? Factors in Tattoo Removal

Remove Old Tattoos

The age of your tattoo is a factor in how easy it is to remove. Older tattoos do tend to be removed more easily because they have typically already had some fading over time. For this reason, older tattoos will often take fewer sessions to remove than a newer tattoo would.

Remove Colored Tattoos

Something else that contributes to the ease of tattoo removal is the color of the ink. Surprisingly, black ink is easier to remove than colored ink. This is true even when the colored ink is in a light tone. This is because the lasers used are designed to target the black ink specifically.

However, this does not mean that colors other than black cannot be removed. They definitely can. The only difference is that it might take a little bit longer.

Remove Large Tattoos

Like creating a tattoo, removing one requires going over every point of the design. This means that just as a larger tattoo takes longer to apply, it will also take longer to remove.

Remove Smokers’ Tattoos

In general, it takes longer to remove a tattoo from a smoker than it does from a non-smoker. This is because there is often more healing time required between sessions. To eliminate a tattoo, the body’s natural immune system must work to help absorb the ink. In a smoker, the cells required for this task usually don’t work as effectively.

Creating Tattoos

A tattoo is created by injecting ink into a person’s skin. Usually, needles in various sizes are used, and a competent technician knows how deep to place the needles for each part of the tattoo. Typically, the tattoo artist begins with a black outline of the chosen design. Then the artist will go back over the line to make it thicker and more obvious.

If there is to be color in the tattoo, the artist then uses different needles to apply the color in even lines. This will be repeated to make sure that the color is strong and even and that no spots were missed.

Why are Tattoos Permanent?

The reason that tattoos are permanent is not that there is permanent ink being used. It is more complicated than that. The ink in a tattoo becomes permanently attached to your skin because each time the needle punctures the skin, your immune system response is triggered. This causes your immune system cells to flow to the area being punctured.

When the cells arrive, they absorb the ink that they think is invading your body. Then the cells become suspended in your skin, and the ink remains visible there.

Removing Tattoos

Removing a tattoo is accomplished by using a laser to pulse the area where the pigment has been placed under the skin. The energy in the laser breaks apart the pigment, shattering it into smaller pieces each time it is targeted. Soon the pigment is very fine, and the body’s immune system can absorb it.

Removing a tattoo usually requires several sessions with some time for healing in between each session.

Reasons To Remove a Tattoo

It Doesn’t Fit Your Personality

Many people get tattoos when they are young. Personalities can change over time, and you may no longer identify with symbols and ideas you once did. Fortunately, you can remove old tattoos easily with modern laser tattoo removal systems, so you no longer have to live with body art that doesn’t speak to who you are.

It was Badly Created

It is important to carefully consider who you choose to create your tattoo, and maybe you made a bad decision. Sometimes tattoos just don’t come out looking the way you expected that they would. This is especially likely if you had a friend apply your tattoo instead of a professional or if you applied it yourself.

Your Partner Doesn’t Like It

Not everyone likes tattoos. Maybe you are with a partner who is really turned off by ink on the skin. If that is the case, you may consider removing your tattoo to please that person. This usually happens before a wedding or a permanent commitment.

It Refers To an Old Relationship

Many people have had the unfortunate experience of tattooing a lover’s name somewhere on their bodies and then breaking up with that person. That is one of the worst reminders of an old flame, and most people want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

It Doesn’t Work with Your Career

Certain careers are not compatible with tattoos, especially if they are easily visible. When you got your tattoo, you may not have realized which career path you were going to take or you might not have known that a tattoo could hurt your relationship with clients and coworkers.

You Want a New Tattoo

Sometimes people have tattoos removed because they want to free up a particular spot on their bodies for a new design they are interested in having instead. You can remove old tattoos to make room for new ones by using laser technology.

Advantages of PiQo4 Tattoo Removal


The PiQo4 system uses a high amount of energy to break apart the pigment in a tattoo. In fact, it uses 10 times more energy than many other laser tattoo removal systems. This powerful tool’s pulses will get rid of ink faster, which means that you are likely to need fewer sessions.

Nano and Picosecond Lasers

The PiQo4 uses two different types of laser pulses to give you a doubly effective treatment. The Nanosecond pulses are designed to go deep into the skin and break down the pigment particles that are larger and embedded more deeply into the skin. These laser pulses are used first.

The Picosecond lasers are applied after the Nanosecond lasers. They shatter the smaller particles and those that are closer to the surface. Working together, the two laser pulses can target and shatter every type of pigment.

Targets a Larger Area

With this type of laser, the technician removing your tattoo is able to target 15 different spot sizes. These are between 2mm and 15mm. This allows for a much larger spot size than other comparable laser tattoo removal systems.

A larger spot size means your tattoo removal process will be faster and you will need fewer sessions to complete it.

Removes 4 Wavelengths of Color

This system effectively removes a variety of colored ink because it can target 4 full wavelengths of color. This allows it to shatter all of the 9 most commonly used colors in the tattoo ink.

For Best Results

Stop Smoking

Smoking can interfere with your body’s immune system and the cell function needed to absorb and eliminate the pigment from your tattoo. To get your tattoo removed as quickly as possible, stop smoking as soon as you decide to have your tattoo removed. Don’t start again at least until your tattoo removal sessions are over and you are completely healed.

Stay Hydrated

You have to be hydrated in order for your body to heal properly during your tattoo removal. Before and after your removal sessions be sure to drink plenty of water. Avoid alcoholic drinks, which can lead to dehydration.


Physical activity is important to keep your blood moving at an appropriate pace. Proper blood flow can help your body break down the pigment particles and get rid of your tattoo more quickly. When you exercise regularly, your blood will flow more efficiently.

After Treatment

Avoid Direct Sunlight

After you’ve completed a tattoo removal session, it is important to keep that area out of the sun. Exposure to the sun can cause the healing process to slow down. This is especially true if you develop a sunburn or even a tan.

Wear bandages or cover the area with clothing if you spend time outside. At the very least, use plenty of sunscreen on the treated area. Keeping sunlight off of any tattoos is a good idea because it will help keep them from fading and will help prevent skin cancer.

Don’t Touch the Area

Do not touch or pick at any scabs or dried skin while the tattoo removal area is healing. Also, avoid shaving in that area until it is healed. If you cause damage to the skin, it can result in a slower healing time. It may also lead to an infection.

Laser Tattoo Removal Works

You can quickly and efficiently have old tattoos removed by using the powerful technology found in laser removal systems like PiQo4. We will use our device to target the pigments in your tattoo and burst them into smaller pieces that are quickly absorbed by your body. You will no longer have to live with a tattoo you don’t want.

We can help you remove your old tattoo no matter the reason you are unhappy with it. Call us today at Still Waters Med Spa in Pensacola, FL, to talk about your tattoo and how we can best help you get rid of it for good.

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